...and the sun has surely come. I went out yesterday without a coat, and it never felt better.
I have a lot of catching up to do on here! Mom's blog post was pretty detailed, so apologies that mine won't be as thrilling.
Here is how our Saturday started.

Mom got jealous that I was having all the fun, so she decided to go and ask Patrick Stuart if she could have a guest appearance on Star Trek. He turned her down, but invited her in for tea instead. I was not invited however, so I had to snap this picture at the door.

After Madam Tussauds we went back to Oxford Street to see if we could finish what we started at TopShop the day before, but being the avid shoppers that we are (and by that I mean AREN'T) we got frustrated fast and came home instead and stopped by the Tesco Express to get mom a croissant. She loves them here cause they are "real" croissants, not posers. On our way in this is who we found.Daffodil lady was selling pins for the Marie Curie Cancer Association, and she was the sweetest grandma. Her bright persona and colorful flowers reminded me that spring was coming.
Later, back at the hotel, I accidentally sat on mom's thumb and cracked it so bad she thought I had broken it. :( I felt so terrible... what a GREAT Mother's Day present.
We took the rest of the day pretty easy... well if you call mom writing 25 postcards easy. She IS a nutter. We went to our same little Pub, The Dickens Tavern, and we sat at our same little table but did not order the same dishes.
After eating ENTIRELY too much we went for a walk down the street on a quest for rolos chocolates in reminscence of my childhood when we would come in on the train from Red Hill to Victoria, get off and make our way to the little coffee stand to order fresh squeezed orange juice and rolos. But.... they really hard to find now. Finally, after the fourth little convenience store, we found them. Victory was on our lips as we popped the little chocolates in our mouths, waiting for the bliss of melting chocolate.... only to discover they were STALE. But.... it still brought back childhood memories, so imagining that they tasted as good as they always had was enough.
Sunday we got up and went to the early service at church. The sermon this week was What is the Meaning of Life? Well what do you think?
It was a brilliant day yesterday as I've already stated that I went without a coat. We went to the park to eat our lunch and it was teeming with the life of the weekend.
We went to see Jersey Boys as our British Mother's Day celebration, and we had a big scare that we weren't going to make it in time. Our tube stop was down, so we waited at the bus stop for the replacement bus to come... and we waited... and waited... for what seemed like forever, but which was probably about 10 minutes. I went around the corner to ask some of the Public Transpo workers, and the send me down to Edgeware Road to pick up the replacement bus. That is HALFWAY to the next tube stop, so why have the bus come in down there rather than at the tube stop it is supposed to be replacing?
By the point we realized we were at the wrong stop, it was faster just to walk to the next tube and get on there, so we booked our little tail feathers as fast as we could down the street, and we made it to our seats 2 minutes before curtain. It set up the mood for the performance, we were ready to be rewarded for our physical journey, and let me tell you, we were.
The voices were unbelievable, and the show was just beautiful. I don't want to be a spoiler in case you ever see the show, but I will just say that I HIGHLY recommend it. It has so much energy and the music is just fun.
At the end of the performance the lead made the announcement that basically half of the original cast had given us their last performance and were moving on. Two of the four main guys who had been together for two years were leaving, and they were all sobbing, and so I was sobbing too. It made the performance that much more special.
For dinner we ate at Cafe Rouge, which mom said was "fake" French food. It had a nice atmosphere though, and so we had fun at our last meal together.
We stayed out by the airport last night, and I fell asleep early, and when I woke, I felt that I had been transported back to Elon by some aliens while I was sleeping. This was because I did not wake in the morning to the sounds of birds outside my window, but instead I woke at 2 am to the sound of the fire alarm threatening to explode my eardrums if I did not roll out of bed. I could have sworn I was back in Oaks F where the fire alarm goes off every other day (ok exaggerating, but still)
It was sad to say bye to mom this morning, but I'll be seeing her again in April!
I ran over 7 miles today! Personal Record.
As for now, I am ready to fall asleep in my own singularly cramped and half broken bed, dreaming of comfy down blankets and the spring break that is waiting for me to visit it in 3 days...
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