Now Showing: Wicked (in British accents! It threw me off at first, but I didn't notice it after awhile. Wasn't as good as the Broadway performance, but still... it was Wicked... meaning it was amazing.)
Now Showing: Billy Elliot (the dancing was AMAZINGGGG and I loved seeing the enthusiasm and energy of the kids in it. LOVED it. Sat in the front row on a stack of books so that we could see the stage. Our bums fell asleep, but it was so worth it.)

I've been back in London for a week and seen four shows! I have to get them all in before I leave and I only have a month left! It is sooo crazy how the time has flown. There is still so much I want to see and do.
Due to a fire in our wireless provider's building on Wednesday of this week, our internet has been out, and will continue till at least Tuesday. So it has been an interesting week being disconnected. Right now I am sitting in a Starbucks in Wimbledon, hoping that Venus and Serena will run by my hitting tennis balls to each other across the road. Hmm.... am I dreaming too big?
Yesterday was Good Friday, and I decided to try fasting this year. It was difficult, but I succeeded on making it through the entire day on water and 2 pieces of gum. It was a great experience physically and spiritually and let me tell ya, I FEASTED this morning. Kathryn fasted with me, so we broke our fast together with a breakfast of omeletes, bagels, and fresh fruit. Let me tell you, no omelette every tasted so goooooood.
Tomorrow for Easter there is a parade in Hyde Park where people dress up as bunnies and rollerskate around the city! Yippeee! I'm gonna wear my Easter dress (so what if it's too cold, you only live once right?) and then we are preparing an Easter Feast afterward.
Happy Easter everyone! :)
omg when i first read it, i thought you meant you were going to fast for this entire upcoming year. i thought to myself 1. em, you are a waif, there is no need, 2. if you're determined, you at least need to build up to it you can't just go cold-turkey on food, and finally got to 3. there is no way she is serious, re-read, oh. i get it. :) good for you hehehe